Sunday, November 13, 2005

You know what ,life here (wherever i am ) is not half as bad as i make out to be, in fact it could very well have been worse, but for me to justify my abominable nature ,life here (wherever i am)has to represented in the poorest of light...i would like to believe that everyone hates me here (when actually they dissmiss me as callow and superficial or worse dont even know i exist) and i am a lone ranger fighting an increasingly difficult battle against those who oppose everything i stand for( which is basically nothing)...arent i pathetically, self depracatingly imaginative ???(there i go again eulogising myself).


uglygirl said...

stop it

concerned citizen said...

eulogising you're self? Is that what you call it. flagellation, I call it. It would disturb me if i thought you did not like it. You need a mama like me to spank you.(I don't mean that in a nasty way)

concerned citizen said...

I don't even know why i wrote that.
I am an idiot, sometimes.