Monday, August 31, 2009

Dear Reader,

If you are here by some misguided desire of being treated to a slice of an unknown life then I’m very sorry to say, the show is over… in these five years that I have blogged I have treated this place with varying degree of sincerity… when I started off (and when I was evidently younger) I treated this as a scared place where unspoken truths can come into the forefront, where resolutions can be achieved through a particularly clever turn of phrase… Soon enough, insincerity and self-consciousness crept in and I found myself writing keeping certain people in mind… I can’t say I’m ashamed of that but I wish I could change that fact about my blog…
Today, as I sit here dipping a rusk biscuit in my tea, I wonder why should I do this at all… I’m the sort who believes that there should be a proper distance kept between strangers, you and me…
How can I strip my soul bare in front those who have never even shared a rusk with me? How can I tell you about my little indiscretions in the metro? why should i tell u that I was jumping moments yesterday in a munakka-induced hazed? my little truths needn't be subjected to your scrutiny anymore....

So here it is, without any awkward drama and self-important delay,
