Wednesday, November 16, 2005

While sharing a samosa with a good friend in the canteen today i somehow went back to my schooldays where a samosa was just not a smosa but a way to make a life long friend , buying food for friends was the ultimate testimony to friendship ... "so and so is a verygood friend of mine ... we buy each other food" , in retrospection i realise my priorties and coins of judging ppl were sooooo not right or was it???...will i make a lifelong friend with a samosa today? No but a Ferrari would certainly clinch the deal....


concerned citizen said...

Food is comfort the world over, even in America where we are either fat or go to the gym 4 days a week to keep from getting fat. With food coming out our ears, every time we get together w/friends, out comes the food.
Much more personal then a Ferrari(sp)

uglygirl said...

did you really think that in the canteen? hmmmm?

serendipiduous said...

i agree nothing is as comforting as food :}

serendipiduous said...

btw the samosas here are so different from our version of it i.e.shingara, shaped differently the humple shingara has no pretensions of being an indianised version of dumplings...