Wednesday, November 09, 2005

I watched Cinema Paradiso after some seven-eight years yesterday (I think I saw it first in the Kolkata Film Festival or was it ?? It hada to be coz i saw it in a big screen), and the experience of going back to a movie you liked (in this case, adored) is a surrealistic one, coz u just have this feeling of fondness for the movie left in you and when u rewatch the movie or in other words u rediscover it u are amazed by all its qualities ...Its like rediscovering an old friend and realising why u were friends in the first place.Giuseppe Tornatore's love letter to the movies is of course an eternal classic but what enthralls me most about the move is the nostalgic feeling of going back...Yes i am a sucker for emotions, a prisoner of passion(eww i do get carried away in the worst possible manner), i gush about almost every movie i watch (a friend says that i should never consider a career in film journalism coz i never criticise) , I guess i still cant get over the magical spectacle of moving images...the magic of moving pictures...the magic of movies.


concerned citizen said...

yea, i can tell you love your movies. Don't have much time for them myself. Usally will get a video when the grandkids come over. we like animated flicks the best. Last one we watched was 'Robots' & I spent most of the time doing chores.

concerned citizen said...

P.S. have the first cartoon up. come and see.
leave me a sign that you were there
in my 'Musings, Rants, & Ravings' site.

serendipiduous said...

Robots ...havent watched it but yes i do like my movies.