Monday, November 28, 2005

As I was watching a Chinese movie (yaa that’s what I do, watch movies all day) the other day something in the corner of the frame caught my eye…a peach tree in full bloom, and I was overcome with this intense feeling of loss (which most people call nostalgia), for winters in Nagaland meant peach blossoms, and star shaped paper lanterns and Christmas carols and soft hand knitted sweaters, and milky sweet tea with sticky rice, and warm kitchens with beautiful clay ovens, and cold red noses, and potted begonia plants, and big drums of water with sheets of ice on the top …I hate romanticizing memories and places but some parts of ones life seem so perfect that one cant help but feel that every moment of ones present life is a punishment for having once lived too perfect a life.


uglygirl said...

but dont fret, soon you will be going to your other home with carbon dust, black smoke, noisy crowds,and serpentine traffic.

serendipiduous said...

the dust, smoke noise and traffic are the true accompaniments of the cacophonous rhapsody that is modern life.

serendipiduous said...

oh how i want to live ....

Runa said...

surprisingly what you hate most, I love i.e. I keep romanticizing things of my past...anyways

serendipiduous said...

but then u still have some residue of past to cling on to (u r still based in raigarh) i dont even have that the perfectness of my past has been cruelly washed away like an exquisite sand castle being washed away by a determined doesnt make sense to dwell in it...

Runa said...

Yah and no! for me its all the more fun in romaticizing things which are not even a part of my life now, but were sometimes.
anyways but thats the emotional baggage that I carry all the time with me.

serendipiduous said...

and thats wonderful.

serendipiduous said...

'washed away like an exquisite sand castle being washed away by a determined doesnt'
i hate these lines isssh .