Sunday, March 26, 2006

A silent story
Written on ripples…
Miles of sleepless nights
Years of a lonely journey…
And as the wet moon brings in the tide…
The silent story fades away into the sleepless night.


beas hyphasis said...

beautiful!!! oshadharon! apurbo!

serendipiduous said...

hath!!!u neednt indulge me...

Lil Mizfit said...

this was really nice,re!

the image of the melting moon, melted me.

NeiLDC said...

nice, poem. anyway love the moon as well..
I just got your blog though lilmizfit and it was a great blog aswell..
The Moon up above
will shine as always
waiting for someone
who have time to stares
Glitters that sparks on his light
until someone find the face
of a girl that hide!

AJ ! Serendipity !!! said...

wow !!!
" A Wet Moon" Such a wonderful concept!
a shimmering orb in the mist
a splendind silver globe that transforms the dark shadows into an enchantig scenario
The honey coloured moon beams play a subtle magic that few ever realise
Good Post

serendipiduous said...

love the image myself...
thank u for vistin my blog and hope u will drop in again...
the moon is being personified in ur poem :)...interesting reversal...
the moon has a very poetic effect on us doesnt it???

aminura ytrobarkahc said...

beautiful, this parallel u have drawn between a sa, untold story and the dying ripples. the imagery is evocative too.the moon had always been for me an epitome of a beauty thats serene and solitary. ur verses invoked that sense too. wonderful!

NeiLDC said...

hi again,thanks for dropping by at my blog, ill just add you a link anywaym, and i like your blog. aniwei.ur a boy right? the first man on the moon landed on 1969. they where three.. Men cant live alone, thats really true... LATTERDAYS, was a nice movie of choice as well.. and "the snowy scene outside the airport"
N.armstrong (the man on the moon)

serendipiduous said...

yes am a that scene,,,

serendipiduous said...

i hate it when some other post grabs all attention and favorite posts are i nored...i hate hate hate it...