Sunday, March 12, 2006

Funny how the saddest of stories begin in bright beautiful mornings and the happiest ones are those which wriggle to a satisfactory resolution…funny how I never categorize stories as happy or sad, but always use the adjective “heartbreaking” to describe anything I like…funny how I subject myself to so many heartbreaks…
The other day, I was decorating my room with confetti and balloons for a close friends surprise birthday party… the candlelit room and the cloud of incense…everything was so heartbreakingly beautiful…and I was so sad…


Runa said...

funny how I was a part of one of your heartbreaks :)

medusa said...

now that comment is funny

uglygirl said...

why were you upset and how did run tun help you break heart?

serendipiduous said...

that calls for a lot of tun helped by being a part of the decoration...

Runa said...

and I agree all beautiful things are in a way 'hearbreaking', realised once again after watching the movie last night.