Tuesday, January 17, 2006

This time of the year always does this to me …I jump around, clap my hands in glee and root for my favorites unabashedly…no I m not talking about the football season, or the cricket season either…it’s the award season that I am talking about, Golden Globes have been done away with, the Screen Actor Guilds award are just around the corner and the countdown to the biggie has just begun…the Oscar buzz and the Golden Globe indications points to just one movie, the movie that I am dying to see Ang Lee’s masterpiece Brokeback Mountain (5 top Golden Globe Award winner)…a cowboy story with a difference…now I wont talk about the film, much already has been written and said about it, but can I just say that I am DYING to see it… the other movies that I am EAGERY waiting for are Transamerica (which won the lead actress Felicity Huffman her first Golden Globe),
Capote (Philip Seymour too earned his first Golden Globe for his portrayal of the troubled novelist Capote), and the critically acclaimed History of Violence (though Medusa thinks it’s over hyped, I feel it definitely deserves a watch)…Everybody says we should stop celebrating the Capitalist institution that Hollywood is, and I agree wholeheartedly, but then who can resist the magic of the movies (certainly not me)…


medusa said...

the resistance, i believ has to be cultural, it is simply too pointless to try and put up economic resistance.
and anyway, we all love films.
but i however stand by my derision of history of violence