Saturday, January 06, 2007

The Hours...

I remember one morning...
getting up at dawn...
there was such a sense of possibility!
You know? That feeling?
And...and I remember thinking to myself:
"So this is the beginning of happiness..."
"This is where it starts!"
"And, of course, there'll always be more."
Never occurred to me
it wasn't the beginning,
It was happiness.
It was the moment...


medusa said...

i thought u were the only one who had resisted the so called fad of a blog roll.
maybe ug too did no?

serendipiduous said...

hehehehehe...i didnt have one zoz i was to technoligically challenged to figure out how to work the html thingy that blogger is no longer beta i got one ...i genuinely believe that these blogs are wonderful reads...

oh yes UG doesnt blive in blog rolls...

Anindita Sengupta said...

Looove this movie...and these lines!