Monday, June 25, 2007

Life in a day

He would be like them, he decided. It wouldn’t be difficult, he could be casual… "I will be casual,” he said to himself… he would be lost in the music and walk down the subway like they do… he will be young and reckless…”It is not difficult to be reckless,” he repeated…trains will hurtle past… the city will entertain itself … the air will be heavy with promise…

“I will be like them,” he chanted as he showered… he stole a glimpse at the mirror as he lathered his chest … “This is me,” he said “short, balding, yet youthful?” …. His large head was a sort of imposition on his slight body, at times comically so …

As he dressed himself, he could hear the piano piece build up in his mind… he was anticipating the crescendo … it will come with a sweeping surprise, taking his breath away, tearing the last shred of happiness away … he will drop on the bed, his face ashened … he will cry , theatrically, mourning all of life’s little disappointments….surely they add up to something bigger …something bigger than death??
“Why is everything wrong? Why can’t I be like them,” he asked himself as he watched the tears roll down his face in the mirror…

A young man’s whole life in a day… a day from his life….